pkgsrcCon 2007: Behind the Makefiles
Amitai Schlair
The NetBSD Project
Who here uses pkgsrc?
- Cool, me too
- Which platforms?
Who am I?
- pkgsrc developer
- Frequent NetBSD and Mac user
- Software and IT consultant
- Full-time college student
What is pkgsrc?
- Package system for managing third-party software installations
- Originally derived from FreeBSD Ports for NetBSD
- Infrastructure evolved for platform portability
- Official package system of NetBSD and DragonFly
- Unofficial package system for savvy administrators on other platforms
What is pkgsrcCon?
- Annual conference for discussing pkgsrc
- And/or for traveling to some European city and drinking beer
- But seriously, pkgsrc
- Not even kidding
What happened in Barcelona this weekend?
- I don't know, I was at a conference the whole time
- It ran Friday through Sunday
- Ten planned talks
- Plus more talking
- [joerg] Another year of pkgsrc: News since last pkgsrcCon
- [cube] Using virtualization and pkgsrc in heterogeneous networks
- [jkl/jlam] pkgjam: Moving away from the One True Tree
- [david] Building development code from pkgsrc
- [bad] From the trenches: experiences from a user's POV
- [joerg/schmonz/rillig/cube] Platform status update (panel discussion)
- [salo] pkgsrc Release Engineering: the work behind the scenes
- [schmonz] Packaging djbware
- [joerg] Reorganizing tools, buildlink and build phases
- [rillig] Unprivileged builds
- Informal: jlam on some R&D in the early stages
- Informal: 3/4 of pkgsrc-pmc in one place
Every day
- Big dinner, just about everyone there
- Informal: lots of quick technical discussions in small groups
- Possibly the most productive aspect of pkgsrcCon
- Example: me
- Received excellent suggestions for djbware
- Found lots of developers who want better OS X usability
- Can't possibly list all the positive effects
Reflection #1/3: Productivity
- This was pkgsrcCon IV; we've got the hang of this (video, even)
- It's easy to forget how valuable face time is, when you're mostly limited to online interaction
- It's easy to remember how valuable face time is, when you finally find some
Reflection #2/3: Openness
- Nobody is deliberately excluded, but many of us already know each other
- We need to actively help new pkgsrcCon attendees feel included
- Anyone who attends pkgsrcCon is a potential developer
- We'll do better at this next time
Reflection #3/3: People
- Great crowd this year
- Lots of spontaneous technical (and social) conversation
- We've collaborated productively for years and we genuinely appreciate each other's work
- Makes it easy to have constructive conversations
- It's a privilege and a pleasure to be part of such a project
Action items
- Coming soon: watch the videos, read the slides
- You must continue to use and love pkgsrc
- You must get involved (if you can)
- You must attend pkgsrcCon next year