layout: true name: titleslide class: center, middle
.footnote[ ###
/2020-nyc-january]( ] --- layout: true name: footnotelinks .left-column[
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/2020-nyc-january]( ] --- template: titleslide # What is notqmail?
## Amitai Schleier --- layout: false template: footnotelinks .right-column[ # Code of Conduct ## Is there one for this meetup? ## Remind ourselves how we want to behave ## Like infra-as-code or TDD, declaring our intentions helps us live up to them ] --- .right-column[ # Why still qmail? ### - Ease and elegance _vs._ annoying sharp edges ### - Working with legacy code is one of [my specialties]( ] --- .right-column[ # qmail, pkgsrc, a year ago I've shipped
quite a few improvements
for qmail users in our 2018Q4 release. In three sentences: 1.
gains TLS, SPF, IPv6, SMTP recipient checks, and many other sensible defaults. 2. Most qmail-related packages -- including the new ones used by qmail-run -- are available on most pkgsrc platforms. 3. [rc.d-boot]( starts `rc.conf`-enabled pkgsrc services at boot time on many platforms. In one: > It's probably easy for you to run qmail now. ] --- .right-column[ # What's new? ### - Talked it over with the right friend ### - Changed my thinking about whether to fork ### - Wrote down some project goals (and non-goals) ### - Invited some people to join ### - Got really lucky ] --- .right-column[ # August 2019: notqmail 1.07! ### - Themes: fix broken builds, make packaging easier ### - [Release notes]( ### -
My blog post
### - 29 commits by 4 developers ### - Rapid convergence on shared [goals]( and [methods]( ### - Developed in public ] --- .right-column[ # Coming soon: notqmail 1.08! ### - Themes: reduce build warnings, remove unused code ### - [Pre-release notes]( ### - 27+ commits by 3+ developers ### - Developed less urgently ] --- .right-column[ # What's next? ### - Next few releases are on the [roadmap]( ] --- .right-column[ # Try notqmail! ### - [OpenBuildService]( has RPM and DEB ### - Gentoo ebuild ### - [pkgsrc]( for many many platforms ] --- .right-column[ # More Info ### -
Announcing notqmail
( ### - [References]( ( ] --- .right-column[ # Agile in 3 Minutes ##
> "Before Agile in 3 Minutes, I couldn't get my team to have a > conversation about important topics. Now I have to timebox it."
5: Wrong
29: Refactor
] --- template: titleslide # What is notqmail?
## [Amitai Schleier](