layout: true name: titleslide class: center, middle
.footnote[ ###
] --- layout: true name: footnotelinks .left-column[
] .footnote[ ###
] --- template: titleslide # Inside-Out TDDDD
## Amitai Schleier --- layout: false template: footnotelinks .right-column[ # 0. Code of Conduct ## [
/the-legacy-of-socrates-5]( ## Remind ourselves how we want to behave ## Like TDD, declaring our intentions helps us live up to them ] --- .right-column[ # Joy and humanity?? ] --- .right-column[ # One job, two experiences ] --- .right-column[ # The bottleneck ] --- .right-column[ # Legacy Code: fear ] --- .right-column[ # Legacy Code: joy - Jessica Kerr: Symmathesy - GeePaw Hill: Made, Making, Makers - Andrea Goulet: Makers and Menders ] --- .right-column[ # Equilibria ] --- .right-column[ # Story 1: keeping my job ] --- .right-column[ # Story 2: a last-minute feature ] --- .right-column[ # Story 3: continual delivery ] --- .right-column[ # Story 4: a big project ] --- .right-column[ # Story 5: win-win ] --- .right-column[ # Start anywhere ] --- .right-column[ # Option 1: Start with Scrum ] --- .right-column[ # Option 2: Inside-Out TDDDD ] --- .right-column[ # My wish for you ] --- template: titleslide # Inside-Out TDDDD
## [Amitai Schleier](