### For all users, authenticated or not: # Prepend acceptutils link to HELP message, so problems go to fixsmtpio author :help::*::&fixsmtpio_fixup # Replace hostname in initial greeting :greeting::2*::&fixsmtpio_fixup # Replace hostname in HELO/EHLO response :helo::2*::&fixsmtpio_fixup :ehlo::2*::&fixsmtpio_fixup # Replace hostname in QUIT response :quit::2*::&fixsmtpio_fixup # Adjust greylisting-spp messages to look more qmail-ish :rcpt::451 GL - temporary*::451 greylisted, retry later (#4.7.1) :data::451 GL - temporary*::451 greylisted, retry later (#4.7.1) # Remove greeting for child process restarted after upgrading to STARTTLS FIXSMTPIOTLS:greeting::2*:: ######################################################################## ### For users authenticated via authup(8): # Replace greeting for child process started after authenticating AUTHUP_USER:greeting::2*::235 ok, go ahead (#2.0.0) # If client closes connection, tell authup the session succeeded AUTHUP_USER:clienteof::*:0: # If server greets us unhappily, preserve message, and tell authup to stop trying AUTHUP_USER:greeting::4*:14:&fixsmtpio_noop AUTHUP_USER:greeting::5*:15:&fixsmtpio_noop # If server times out, hide message, and tell authup to stop trying AUTHUP_USER:timeout::*:16: # Don't permit server to advertise or respond to further AUTH AUTHUP_USER:ehlo::250?AUTH*:: AUTHUP_USER:auth:NOOP :*::502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)