1. Decimal to Binary Conversion
  2. Factorial
    1. Why Private Variables are Important
  3. The Tower of Hanoi
  4. Hierarchical Data
  5. Applications and Variations of Directory Walking
  6. Functional vs. Object-Oriented Programming
  7. HTML
    1. More Flexible Selection
  8. When Recursion Blows Up
    1. Fibonacci Numbers
    2. Partitioning

Dispatch Tables

In the previous chapter, we were able to make functions more flexible by parametrizing their behaviors in terms of other functions. For example, instead of hardwiring the hanoi() function to print a certain message every time it wanted to move a disk, we had it call a secondary function that was passed in from outside. By supplying an appropriate secondary function, we could make hanoi() print out a list of instructions, or check its own moves, or generate a graphic display, without recoding the basic algorithm. Similarly, we were able to abstract the directory-walking behavior away from the file-size-computing behavior of our total_size() function to get a more useful and generally applicable dir_walk() function that could be used to do all sorts of different things.

To abstract behavior out of hanoi() and dir_walk(), we made use of code references. We passed hanoi() and dir_walk() additional functions as arguments, effectively treating the secondary functions as pieces of data. Code references make this possible.

Now we'll leave recursion for a while and go off in a different direction which shows another use of code references.

Configuration File Handling

Let's suppose that we have an application that reads in a configuration file in the following format:

        VERBOSITY       8
        CHDIR           /usr/local/app
        LOGFILE         log
        ...             ...

We would like to read in this configuration file and take an appropriate action for each directive. For example, for the VERBOSITY directive, we just want to set a global variable. But for the LOGFILE directive, we want to immediately redirect our diagnostic messages to the specified file. For CHDIR we might like to chdir to the specified directory so that subsequent file operations are relative to the new directory. This means that in the example above the LOGFILE is /usr/local/app/log, and not the log file in whatever directory the user happened to be at the time the program was run.

Many programmers would see this problem and immediately envision a function with a giant if-else switch in it, perhaps something like this:

        sub read_config {
          my ($filename) = @_;        
          open my($CF), $filename or return;  # Failure
          while (<$CF>) {
            my ($directive, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
            if ($directive eq 'CHDIR') {
              chdir($rest) or die "Couldn't chdir to `$rest': $!; aborting";
            } elsif ($directive eq 'LOGFILE') {
              open STDERR, ">> $rest"
                or die "Couldn't open log file `$rest': $!; aborting";
            } elsif ($directive eq 'VERBOSITY') {
              $VERBOSITY = $rest;
            } elsif ($directive eq ...) {
            } ...
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized directive $directive on line $. of $filename; aborting";
          return 1;  # Success

This function is in two parts. The first part opens the file and reads lines from it one at a time. It separates each line into a $directive part (the first word) and a $rest part (the rest). The $rest part contains the arguments to the directive, such as the name of the log file to open when supplied with the LOGFILE directive. The second part of the function is a big if-else tree that checks the $directive variable to see which directive it is, and aborts the program if the directive is unrecognized.

This sort of function can get very large, because of the large number of alternatives in the if-else tree. Every time someone wants to add another directive, they change the function by adding another elsif clause. The contents of the branches of the if-else tree don't have much to do with each other, except for the inessential fact that they're all configurable. Such a function violates an important law of programming: related things should be kept together; unrelated things should be separated.

Following this law suggests a different structure for this function: The part that reads and parses the file should be separate from the actions that are performed when the configuration directives are recognized. Moreover, the code for implementing the various unrelated directives should not all be lumped together into a single function.

Table-driven configuration

We can do better by separating the code for opening, reading, and parsing the configuration file from the unrelated segments that implement the various directives. Dividing the program into two halves like this will give us better flexibility to modify each of the halves, and to separate the code for the directives.

Here's a replacement for read_config():

Download code for read_config_tabular

        sub read_config {
          my ($filename, $actions) = @_;        
          open my($CF), $filename or return;  # Failure
          while (<$CF>) {
            my ($directive, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
            if (exists $actions->{$directive}) {
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized directive $directive on line $. of $filename; aborting";
          return 1;  # Success

We open, read, and parse the configuration file exactly as before. But we dispense with the giant if-else switch. Instead, this version of read_config receives an extra argument, $actions, which is a table of actions; each time read_config() reads a configuration directive, it will perform one of these actions. This table is called a dispatch table, because it contains the functions to which read_config() will dispatch control as it reads the file. The $rest variable has the same meaning as before, but now it is passed to the appropriate action as an argument.

A typical dispatch table might look like this:

        $dispatch_table = 
          { CHDIR      => \&change_dir,
            LOGFILE    => \&open_log_file,
            VERBOSITY  => \&set_verbosity,
            ... =>  ...,

The dispatch table is a hash, whose keys (generically called tags) are directive names, and whose values are actions, references to subroutines that are invoked when the appropriate directive name is recognized. Action functions expect to receive the $rest variable as an argument; typical actions look like these:

        sub change_dir { 
          my ($dir) = @_;
            or die "Couldn't chdir to `$dir: $!; aborting"; 
        sub open_log_file { 
          open STDERR, ">>",  $_[0]
            or die "Couldn't open log file `$_[0]': $!; aborting"; 

        sub set_verbosity {
          $VERBOSITY = shift 

If the actions are small, we can put them directly into the dispatch table:

        $dispatch_table = 
          { CHDIR      => sub { my ($dir) = @_;
                               chdir($dir) or     
                                 die "Couldn't chdir to `$dir: $!; aborting"; 

            LOGFILE   => sub { open STDERR, ">> $_[0]" or 
                                 die "Couldn't open log file `$_[0]': $!; aborting"; 

            VERBOSITY => sub { $VERBOSITY = shift },
            ... =>  ...,

By switching to a dispatch table, we've eliminated the huge if-else tree, but in return we've gotten a table that is only a little smaller. That might not seem like a big win. But the table provides several benefits.

=test read_config
        do 'read_config_tabular';
        use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
        my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
        print $fh "ONE dog\nTWO 3\nONE cat\nTWO 1\n";
        my $x = 0;
        my $y = "";
        my $dispatch_table = 
           { ONE => \&one,
             TWO => sub { $x+=$_[0] },
        sub one { $y .= $_[0]; chomp $y }
=endtest read_config

Advantages of Dispatch Tables

The dispatch table is data, instead of code, so it can be modified at run-time. For example, you can insert new directives into the table whenever you want to. Suppose the table has:

        'DEFINE' => \&define_config_directive,

where define_config_directive() is:

Download code for define_config_directive

        sub define_config_directive {
          my $rest = shift;
          $rest =~ s/^\s+//;
          my ($new_directive, $def_txt) = split /\s+/, $rest, 2;

          if (exists $CONFIG_DIRECTIVE_TABLE{$new_directive}) {
            warn "$new_directive already defined; skipping.\n";

          my $def = eval "sub { $def_txt }";
          if (not defined $def) {
            warn "Could not compile definition for `$new_directive': $@; skipping.\n";

          $CONFIG_DIRECTIVE_TABLE{$new_directive} = $def;

The configurator now accepts directives like this:

        DEFINE HOME       chdir('/usr/local/app');

define_config_directive() puts HOME into $new_directive and chdir('/usr/local/app'); into $def_txt. It uses eval to compile the definition text into a subroutine, and installs the new subroutine into a master configuration table, %CONFIG_DIRECTIVE_TABLE, using HOME as the key. If %CONFIG_DIRECTIVE_TABLE was in fact the dispatch table that was passed to read_config() in the first place, then read_config() will see the new definition, and will have an action associated with HOME if it sees the HOME directive on a later line of the input file. Now a config file can say

        DEFINE HOME       chdir('/usr/local/app');
        CHDIR /some/directory

The directives in ... are invoked in the directory /some/directory, and when the processor reaches HOME, it returns to its home directory. We can also define a more robust version of the same thing:

        DEFINE PUSHDIR   use Cwd; push @dirs, cwd(); chdir($_[0])
        DEFINE POPDIR    chdir(pop @dirs)

PUSHDIR dir uses the cwd() function provided by the standard Cwd module to figure out the name of the current directory. It saves the name of the current directory in the variable @dirs, and then changes to dir. POPDIR undoes the effect of the last PUSHDIR.

        PUSHDIR /tmp
        PUSHDIR /usr/local/app

The program changes to /tmp, then executes directive A. Then it changes to /usr/local/app and executes directive B. The following POPDIR returns the program to /tmp, where it executes directive C; finally the second POPDIR returns it to wherever it started out.

In order for DEFINE to modify the configuration table, we had to store it in a global variable. It's probably better if we pass the table to define_config_directive explicitly. To do that we need to make a small change to read_config:

Download code for read_config_tablearg

        sub read_config {
          my ($filename, $actions) = @_;        
          open my($CF), $filename or return;  # Failure
          while (<$CF>) {
            my ($directive, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
            if (exists $actions->{$directive}) {
               $actions->{$directive}->($rest, $actions);
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized directive $directive on line $. of $filename; aborting";
          return 1;  # Success

Now define_config_directive can look like this:

Download code for define_config_directive_tablearg

        sub define_config_directive {
          my ($rest, $dispatch_table) = @_;
          $rest =~ s/^\s+//;
          my ($new_directive, $def_txt) = split /\s+/, $rest, 2;

          if (exists $dispatch_table->{$new_directive}) {
            warn "$new_directive already defined; skipping.\n";

          my $def = eval "sub { $def_txt }";
          if (not defined $def) {
            warn "Could not compile definition for `$new_directive': $@; skipping.\n";

          $dispatch_table->{$new_directive} = $def;

With this change, we can add a really useful configuration directive:

        DEFINE INCLUDE   read_config(@_);

This installs a new entry into the dispatch table that looks like this:

        INCLUDE => sub { read_config(@_) }

Now, when we write this in the configuration file:

        INCLUDE extra.conf

the main read_config() will invoke the action, passing it two arguments. The first argument will be the $rest from the configuration file; in this case the filename extra.conf. The second argument to the action will be the dispatch table again. These two arguments will be passed directly to a recursive call of read_config. read_config will read extra.conf, and when it's finished it will return control to the main invocation of read_config which will continue with the main configuration file, picking up where it left off.

In order for the recursive call to work properly, read_config() must be reentrant. The easiest way to break reentrancy is to use a global variable, for example by using a global filehandle instead of the lexical filehandle we did use. If we had used a global filehandle, the recursive call to read_config() would open extra.conf with the same filehandle that was being used by the main invocation; this would close the main configuration file. When the recursive call returned, read_config() would be unable to read the rest of the main file, because its filehandle would have been closed.

The INCLUDE definition was very simple and very useful. But it was also ingenious, and it might not have occurred to us when we were writing read_config. It would have been easy to say `Oh, read_config doesn't need to be reentrant.' But if we had written read_config in a nonreentrant way, the useful and ingenious INCLUDE definition wouldn't have worked. There's an important lesson to learn here: make functions reentrant by default, because sometimes the usefulness of being able to call a function recursively will be a surprise.

=test read_config_again
        do 'read_config_tablearg';
        do 'define_config_directive_tablearg';
        my @known = qw(/tmp /usr /var /usr /home);
        use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
        my ($fh0, $temp0) = tempfile();

        my $file0=<<"    EOF";
        DEFINE PUSHDIR   use Cwd; push \@dirs, cwd(); chdir(\$_[0])
        DEFINE POPDIR    chdir(pop \@dirs)

        $file0 =~ s/^\s+//mg;
        print $fh0 $file0;
        my ($fh1, $temp1) = tempfile();
        my $file1=<<"    EOF";
        DEFINE HOME chdir('/home')
        INCLUDE $temp0
        CHDIR /tmp
        PUSHDIR /usr
        PUSHDIR /var

        $file1 =~ s/^\s+//mg;
        print $fh1 $file1;

        my $x = 0;
        my $y = "";
        my $dispatch_table = 
             INCLUDE => sub { read_config(@_) },
             DEFINE  => \&define_config_directive,
             CHDIR      => sub { my ($dir) = @_;
                                 chdir($dir) or     
                                  die "Couldn't chdir to `$dir: $!; aborting"; 
             CHECK => \&check,
        use Cwd;
        sub check {
            is( shift(@known), Cwd::getcwd );
=endtest read_config_again

Reentrant functions exhibit a simpler and more predictable behavior than nonreentrant functions. They are more flexible, because they can be called recursively. Our INCLUDE example above shows that we might not always anticipate all the reasons why someone might want to invoke a function recursively. It's better and safer to make everything reentrant if we can.

Another advantage of the dispatch table over hard-wired code in read_config() is that we can use the same read_config function to process two unrelated files that have totally different directives, just by passing a different dispatch table to read_config() each time. We can put the program into `beginner mode' by passing a stripped-down dispatch table to read_config(). Or we can reuse read_config() to process a different file with the same basic syntax by passing it a table with a different set of directives.

Dispatch Table Strategies

Here ??? In our implementation of PUSHDIR and POPDIR, the action functions used a global variable, @dirs, to maintain the stack of pushed directories. This is unfortunate. We can get around this, and make the system more flexible, by having read_config() support a user parameter. This is an argument, supplied by the caller of read_config(), which is passed verbatim to the actions:

Download code for read_config_userparam

        sub read_config {
          my ($filename, $actions, $user_param) = @_;        
          open my($CF), $filename or return;  # Failure
          while (<$CF>) {
            my ($directive, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
            if (exists $actions->{$directive}) {
                $actions->{$directive}->($rest, $userparam, $actions);
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized directive $directive on line $. of $filename; aborting";
          return 1;  # Success

This eliminates the global variable, because we can now define PUSHDIR and POPDIR like this:

        DEFINE PUSHDIR   use Cwd; push @{$_[1]}, cwd(); chdir($_[0])
        DEFINE POPDIR    chdir(pop @{$_[1])

The $_[1] parameter refers to the user parameter argument that is passed to read_config(). If read_config() is called with

        read_config($filename, $dispatch_table, \@dirs);

then PUSHDIR and POPDIR will use the array @dirs as their stack; if it is called with

        read_config($filename, $dispatch_table, []);

then they will use a fresh, anonymous array as the stack.

It's often useful to pass an action callback the name of the tag on whose behalf it was invoked. To do this, we change read_config() like this:

Download code for read_config_tagarg

        sub read_config {
          my ($filename, $actions, $userparam) = @_;        
          open my($CF), $filename or return;  # Failure
          while (<$CF>) {
            my ($directive, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
            if (exists $actions->{$directive}) {
              $actions->{$directive}->($directive, $rest, $actions, $userparam);
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized directive $directive on line $. of $filename; aborting";
          return 1;  # Success

Why is this useful? Consider the action we defined for the VERBOSITY directive:

        VERBOSITY => sub { $VERBOSITY = shift },

It's easy to imagine that there might be several configuration directives that all follow this general pattern:

        VERBOSITY => sub { $VERBOSITY = shift },
        TABLESIZE => sub { $TABLESIZE = shift },
        PERLPATH  => sub { $PERLPATH  = shift },
        ... etc ...

We would like to merge the three similar actions into a single function that does the work of all three. To do that, the function needs to know the name of the directive so that it can set the appropriate global variable:

        VERBOSITY => \&set_var,
        TABLESIZE => \&set_var,
        PERLPATH  => \&set_var,
        ... etc ...

        sub set_var {
          my ($var, $val) = @_;
          $$var = $val;

Or, if you don't like a bunch of global variables running around loose, you can store configuration information in a hash, and pass a reference to the hash as the user parameter:

        sub set_var {
          my ($var, $val, undef, $config_hash) = @_;
          $config_hash->{$var} = $val;

For this example, not much is saved, because the action is so simple. But there might be several configuration directives that need to share a more complicated function. Here's a slightly more complicated example:

        sub open_input_file {
          my ($handle, $filename) = @_;
          unless (open $handle, $filename) {    
            warn "Couldn't open $handle file `$filename': $!; ignoring.\n";

This open_input_file() function can be shared by many configuration directives. For example, suppose a program has three sources of input: a history file, a template file, and a pattern file. We would like the locations of all three files to be configurable in the configuration file; this requires three entries in the dispatch table. But the three entries can all share the same open_input_file() function:

        HISTORY  => \&open_input_file,
        TEMPLATE => \&open_input_file,
        PATTERN  => \&open_input_file,

Now suppose the configuration file says:

        HISTORY           /usr/local/app/history
        TEMPLATE          /usr/local/app/templates/main.tmpl
        PATTERN           /home/bill/app/patterns/default.pat

read_config() will see the first line and dispatch to the open_input_file() function, passing it the argument list ('HISTORY', '/usr/local/app/history'). open_input_file() will take the HISTORY argument as a filehandle name, and open the HISTORY filehandle to come from the /usr/local/app/history file. On the second line, read_config() will dispatch to the open_input_file() again, this time passing it ('TEMPLATE', '/usr/local/app/templates/main.tmpl'). This time, open_input_file() will open the TEMPLATE filehandle instead of the HISTORY filehandle.

Default Actions

Our example read_config() function dies when it encounters an unrecognized directive. This behavior is hardwired in. It would be better if the dispatch table itself carried around the information about what to do for an unrecognized directive. It's easy to add this feature:

Download code for read_config_default

        sub read_config {
          my ($filename, $actions, $userparam) = @_;        
          open my($CF), $filename or return;  # Failure
          while (<$CF>) {
            my ($directive, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
            my $action = $actions->{$directive} || $actions->{_DEFAULT_};
            if ($action) {
              $action->($directive, $rest, $actions, $userparam);
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized directive $directive on line $. of $filename; aborting";
          return 1;  # Success

Here we look in the action table for the specified directive; if it isn't there, we look for a _DEFAULT_ action, and die only if there is no default specified in the dispatch table. We saw an example of this earlier, in connection with reading an address file as if it were a configuration file. Here's a more typical _DEFAULT_ action:

        sub no_such_directive {
          my ($directive) = @_;
          warn "Unrecognized directive $directive at line $.; ignoring.\n";

Since the directive name is passed as the first argument to the action function, the default action knows what unrecognized directive it was called on behalf of. Since the no_such_directive() function also gets passed the entire dispatch table, it can extract the real directive names and do some pattern-matching to figure out what was meant. Here no_such_directive() uses a hypothetical score_match() function to decide which table entries are good matches for the unrecognized directive.

        sub no_such_directive {
          my ($bad, $rest, $table) = @_;
          my ($best_match, $best_score) ;
          for my $good (keys %$table) {
            my $score = score_match($bad, $good);
            if ($score > $best_score) {
              $best_score = $score;
              $best_match = $good;
          print STDERR "Unrecognized directive $bad at line $.;\n";
          print STDERR "\t(perhaps you meant $best_match?)\n";

The system we have now has only a little code, but it's extremely flexible. Suppose our program is also going to read a list of user ids and email addresses in the following format:

        fred            fred@example.com
        bill            bvoehno@plover.com
        warez           warez-admin@plover.com
        ...             ...

We can re-use read_config() and have it read and parse this file, simply by supplying the appropriate dispatch table:

        $address_actions = 
          { _DEFAULT_ => sub { my ($id, $addr, $act, $aref) = @_;
                               push @$aref, [$id, $addr];

        read_config($ADDRESS_FILE, $address_actions, \@address_array);

Here we've given read_config() a very small dispatch table; all it has is a _DEFAULT_ entry. read_config() will call this default entry once for each line in the address file, passing it the `directive name' (which is actually the user id) and the address (which is the $rest value.) The default action will take this information and add it to @address_array, which can be used by the program later.

=test read_config_three
        # need to test default, userparam, and tag
        do 'read_config_default';

        use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
        my ($fh, $tempfile) = tempfile();

        my $data =<<"    EOF";
        fred            fred\@example.com
        bill            bvoehno\@plover.com
        warez           warez-admin\@plover.com

        $data =~ s/^\s+//mg;
        print $fh $data;

        my $address_actions = 
              { _DEFAULT_ => sub { my ($id, $addr, $act, $aref) = @_;
                                   push @$aref, [$id, $addr];

        my @address_array;
        read_config($tempfile, $address_actions, \@address_array);
                   [[fred => 'fred@example.com'],
                    [bill => 'bvoehno@plover.com'],
                    [warez=> 'warez-admin@plover.com']]);
=endtest read_config_three


Let's get away from the configuration file example for a while. Obviously, dispatch tables are going to make sense in many similar situations. For example, a conversational program that must process commands from a user can use a dispatch table to dispatch the user's commands. Here's a different example: it's a very simple calculator.

The input to this calculator is a string that contains an arithmetic expression in reverse Polish notation. Conventional arithmetic notation is ambiguous: if you write 2+3*4 it's not immediately clear whether we do the addition or the multiplication first. We have to have special conventions to say that multiplication always happens before addition, or we have to disambiguate the expression by inserting parentheses, as (2+3)*4 for example.

Reverse Polish notation, or RPN, solves the problem in a different way. Instead of putting the operator symbols in between the arguments that they operate on, RPN puts the operators after their arguments. For example, instead of 2+3 we write 2 3 +. Instead of (2+3)*4, we write 2 3 + 4 *. The + follows 2 and 3, so the 2 and 3 are added; the * says to multiply the two preceding expressions, which are 2 3 + and 4. To express 2+(3*4) in RPN, we would write 2 3 4 * +. The + applies to the two preceding arguments; the first of these is 2 and the second is 3 4 *. Because the operator always follows its arguments, such expressions are said to be in postfix form; this is to contrast them with the usual form, where the operators are in between their arguments, which is called infix form.

It's easy to compute the value of an expression in RPN. To do this, we maintain a stack, and read the expression from left to right. When we see a number, we push it on the stack. When we see an operator, we pop the top two elements off the stack, operate on them, and push the result back on the stack. For example, to evaluate 2 3 + 4 *, we first push 2 and then 3, and then when we see the + we pop them off and push back the sum, 5. Then we push 4 on top of the 5, and then the * tells us to pop the 4 and the 5 and push back the final answer, 20. To evaluate 2 3 4 * + we push 2, then 3, then 4. The * tells us to pop back the 3 and the 4 and push the product 12; the + tells us to pop the 12 and the 2 and push the sum, 14, which is the final answer.

Here's a small calculator program that evaluates the RPN expression supplied in its command-line argument.

Download code for rpn_ifelse

        my $result = evaluate($ARGV[0]);
        print "Result: $result\n";

        sub evaluate {
          my @stack;
          my ($expr) = @_;
          my @tokens = split /\s+/, $expr;
          for my $token (@tokens) {
            if ($token =~ /^\d+$/) {   # It's a number
              push @stack, $token;
            } elsif ($token eq '+') {
               push @stack, pop(@stack) + pop(@stack);
            } elsif ($token eq '-') {
               my $s = pop(@stack);
               push @stack, pop(@stack) - $s
            } elsif ($token eq '*') {
               push @stack, pop(@stack) * pop(@stack);
            } elsif ($token eq '/') {
               my $s = pop(@stack);
               push @stack, pop(@stack) / $s
            } else {
              die "Unrecognized token `$token'; aborting";
          return pop(@stack);
=test rpn_ifelse
        open(my $null,">/dev/null");
        select($null);  # hide output in listing
        do 'rpn_ifelse';
        is(evaluate("3 3 +"), 6, "3 3 +");
        is(evaluate("5 3 -"), 2, "5 3 -");
        is(evaluate("10 2 * 3 4 +"), 7, "returns last thing on the stack");
=endtest rpn_ifelse

The function splits the argument on whitespace into tokens, which are the smallest meaningful portions of the input. Then the function loops over the tokens one at a time, from left to right. If a token matches /^\d+$/, then it is a number, so the function pushes it onto the stack. Otherwise, it's an operator, so the function pops two values off the stack, operates on them, and pushes the result back onto the stack. The auxiliary $s variable in the code for subtraction is there because 5 3 - should yield 2, not -2. If we had used

        push @stack, pop(@stack) - pop(@stack);

then for 5 3 - the first pop would pop the 3, the second would pop the 5, and the result would have been -2. There is similar code in the division branch for the same reason. For multiplication and addition, the order of the operands doesn't matter.

When the function runs out of tokens, it pops the top value off the stack; this is the final result. This code ignores the possibility that the stack might finish with several values; this would mean that the argument contained more than one expression. 10 2 * 3 4 + leaves 20 and 7 on the stack, in that order. It also ignores the possibility that the stack might become empty. For example 2 * and 2 3 + * are invalid expressions, because in each, the * has only one argument instead of two. In evaluating these, the function finds itself doing a operation when the stack is empty. It should signal an error in that case, but I omitted the error handling to keep the example small.

We can make the example simpler and more flexible by replacing the large if-else switch with a dispatch table:

Download code for rpn_table

        my @stack;
        my $actions = {
          '+' => sub { push @stack, pop(@stack) + pop(@stack) },
          '*' => sub { push @stack, pop(@stack) * pop(@stack) },
          '-' => sub { my $s = pop(@stack); push @stack, pop(@stack) - $s },
          '/' => sub { my $s = pop(@stack); push @stack, pop(@stack) / $s },
          'NUMBER' => sub { push @stack, $_[0] },
          '_DEFAULT_' => sub { die "Unrecognized token `$_[0]'; aborting" }

        my $result = evaluate($ARGV[0], $actions);
        print "Result: $result\n";

        sub evaluate {
          my ($expr, $actions) = @_;
          my @tokens = split /\s+/, $expr;
          for my $token (@tokens) {
            my $type;
            if ($token =~ /^\d+$/) {   # It's a number
              $type = 'NUMBER'; 
            my $action = $actions->{$type} 
                      || $actions->{$token} 
                      || $actions->{_DEFAULT_};
            $action->($token, $type, $actions);
          return pop(@stack);
=test rpn_table
         # copied all the code for simpler scoping

            my @stack;
            my $actions = {
              '+' => sub { push @stack, pop(@stack) + pop(@stack) },
              '*' => sub { push @stack, pop(@stack) * pop(@stack) },
              '-' => sub { my $s = pop(@stack); push @stack, pop(@stack) - $s },
              '/' => sub { my $s = pop(@stack); push @stack, pop(@stack) / $s },
              'NUMBER' => sub { push @stack, $_[0] },
              '_DEFAULT_' => sub { die "Unrecognized token `$_[0]'; aborting" },
              'sqrt' => sub { push @stack, sqrt(pop(@stack)) },

            sub evaluate {
              my ($expr, $actions) = @_;
              my @tokens = split /\s+/, $expr;
              for my $token (@tokens) {
                my $type;
                if ($token =~ /^\d+$/) {   # It's a number
                  $type = 'NUMBER'; 
                my $action = $actions->{$type} 
                          || $actions->{$token} 
                          || $actions->{_DEFAULT_};
                $action->($token, $type, $actions);
              return pop(@stack);

        is(evaluate("3 3 +",$actions), 6, "3 3 +");
        is(evaluate("5 3 -",$actions), 2, "5 3 -");
        is(evaluate("5 3 *",$actions), 15, "5 3 *");
        is(evaluate("8 2 /",$actions), 4, "8 2 /");
        is(evaluate("10 2 * 3 4 +", $actions), 7, "returns last thing on the stack");
        is(evaluate("4 sqrt",$actions), 2, "sqrt(4)");
        eval { evaluate("your momma",$actions) };
        ok( $@ =~ /^Unrecognized token/, "die properly" );
=endtest rpn_table

The main driver, evaluate(), is now much smaller and more general. It selects an action based on the token's `type', if it has one; otherwise, the action is based on the value of the token itself, and if there is no such action, a default action is used. The evaluate() function does a pattern-match on the token to try to determine a token type, and if the token looks like a number, the selected type is NUMBER. We can add a new operator by adding an entry to the %actions dispatch table:

        'sqrt' => sub { push @stack, sqrt(pop(@stack)) },

Again, because of the dispatch table construction, we can get a different behavior from the evaluator by supplying a different dispatch table. Instead of reducing the expression to a number, the evaluator will compile it into an abstract syntax tree if we supply this dispatch table:

        my $actions = {
          'NUMBER'    => sub { push @stack,   $_[0] },
          '_DEFAULT_' => sub { my $s = pop(@stack);
                               push @stack, 
                                 [ $_[0], pop(@stack), $s ]

The result of compiling 2 3 + 4 * is the abstract syntax tree [ '*', [ '+', 2, 3 ], 4 ], which we can also represent like this:

             / \
            /   \
           +     4
          / \
         /   \
        2     3

This is the most useful internal form for an expression because all the structure is represented directly. An expression is either a number, or has an operator and two operands; the two operands are also expressions. An abstract syntax tree (AST) is either a number, or a list of an operator and two other ASTs. Once we have an AST, it's easy to write a function to process it. For example, here is a function to convert an AST to a string:

Download code for AST_to_string

        sub AST_to_string {
          my ($tree) = @_;
          if (ref $tree) {
            my ($op, $a1, $a2) = @$tree;
            my ($s1, $s2) = (AST_to_string($a1),
            "($s1 $op $s2)";
          } else {

Given the tree above, the AST_to_string() function produces the string "((2 + 3) * 4)". It first checks to see if the tree is trivial; if it is not a reference, then it must be a number, and the string version is just that number. Otherwise, the string has three parts: an operator symbol, which is stored in $op, and two arguments, which are ASTs. The function calls itself recursively to convert the two argument trees to strings $s1 and $s2, and then produces a new string which has $s1 and $s2 with the appropriate operator symbol in between, surrounded by parentheses to avoid ambiguity. We have just written a system to convert postfix expressions to infix expressions, because we can feed the original postfix expression to evaluate() to generate an AST, and then give the AST to AST_to_string() to generate an infix expression.

The AST_to_string() function is recursive because the definition of an AST is recursive; the definition of ASTs is recursive because the structure of an expression is recursive. The structure of AST_to_string() directly reflects the structure of an expression.

=test ast_to_string
            my $actions = {
              'NUMBER'    => sub { push @stack,   $_[0] },
              '_DEFAULT_' => sub { my $s = pop(@stack);
                                   push @stack, 
                                     [ $_[0], pop(@stack), $s ]

        # evaluate copied from above
           sub evaluate {
              my ($expr, $actions) = @_;
              my @tokens = split /\s+/, $expr;
              for my $token (@tokens) {
                my $type;
                if ($token =~ /^\d+$/) {   # It's a number
                  $type = 'NUMBER'; 
                my $action = $actions->{$type} 
                          || $actions->{$token} 
                          || $actions->{_DEFAULT_};
                $action->($token, $type, $actions);
              return pop(@stack);

        do 'AST_to_string';

        my $ast = evaluate("2 3 + 4 *",$actions);
        my $asts = AST_to_string($ast);
        is($asts,"((2 + 3) * 4)");

        $ast = evaluate("2",$actions);
        $asts = AST_to_string($ast);
=endtest ast_to_string

HTML Processing Revisited

In the previous chapter we saw walk_html(), a recursive HTML processor. The HTML processor got two functional arguments: $textfunc, a function to call for a section of untagged text, and $elementfunc, a function to call for an HTML element. But `HTML element' is vague, because there are many sorts of elements, and we might want our function to do something different for each kind of element.

We've seen several ways to accomplish this already. The most straightforward is for the user to simply put a giant if-else switch into $elementfunc. As we've already seen, that has some disadvantages. The user might like to supply a dispatch table to the $elementfunc instead. The structure of such a dispatch table is easy to see: the keys of the table will be tag names, and the values will be actions performed for each kind of element. Instead of supplying a single $elementfunc that knows how to deal with every possible element, the user will supply a dispatch table which provides one action for each kind of element, and also a generic $elementfunc that dispatches the appropriate action.

The $elementfunc might get access to the dispatch table in any of several ways. The dispatch table might be hard-wired into the element function:

        sub elementfunc {
          my $table = { h1        => sub { shift; my $text = join '',  @_;
                                           print $text; return $text ;
                        _DEFAULT_ => sub { shift; my $text = join '',  @_;
                                                        return $text ;
          my ($element) = @_;
          my $tag = $element->{_tag};
          my $action = $table->{$tag} || $table{_DEFAULT_};
          return $action->(@_);

Alternatively, we could build dispatch table support directly into walk_html(), so that instead of passing a single $elementfunc, the user actually passes the dispatch table directly to walk_html(). In that case, walk_html() would look something like this:

Download code for walk_html_dispatch

        sub walk_html {
          my ($html, $textfunc, $elementfunc_table) = @_;
          return $textfunc->($html) unless ref $html;   # It's a plain string

          my ($item, @results);
          for $item (@{$html->{_content}}) {
            push @results, walk_html($item, $textfunc, $elementfunc_table);
          my $tag = $html->{_tag};
          my $elementfunc =  $elementfunc_table->{$tag} 
                       || $elementfunc_table->{_DEFAULT_}
                       || die "No function defined for tag `$tag'";
          return $elementfunc->($html, @results);
=test walk_html_dispatch
        do 'walk_html_dispatch';
        require 'htmlsample.pl';
        my $TEXT;
                     # $textfunc
                      sub { my ($text) = @_; 
                            $TEXT .= $text; },
                      { _DEFAULT_ => sub {} },

        like($TEXT, qr/^\s*What Junior Said Next But I don't want to go to bed now!\s*$/, "untagged text");
=endtest walk_html_dispatch

Yet another option is to change walk_html() to pass a user parameter to the $textfunc and $elementfunc. Then the user could have the dispatch table passed to the $elementfunc via the user parameter mechanism:

Download code for walk_html_userparam

        sub walk_html {
          my ($html, $textfunc, $elementfunc, $userparam) = @_;
          return $textfunc->($html, $userparam) unless ref $html;

          my ($item, @results);
          for $item (@{$html->{_content}}) {
            push @results, walk_html($item, $textfunc, $elementfunc, $userparam);
          return $elementfunc->($html, $userparam, @results);

Now it is up to the users to design their $elementfuncs to process the dispatch table appropriately.

One important and subtle point here: notice that we passed the user parameter to the $textfunc as well as to the $elementfunc. If the user parameter is a tag dispatch table, it is probably not useful to the $textfunc. Why did we pass it, then? because it might not be a tag dispatch table; it might be something else. For example, the user might have called walk_html() like this:


                  # $textfunc
                  sub { my ($text, $aref) = @_; 
                        push @$aref, $text },

                  # $elementfunc  does nothing
                  sub { },

                  # user parameter

Now walk_html() will walk the HTML tree and push all the untagged plain text into the array @text_array. The user parameter is the reference to @text_array; it is passed to the $textfunc, which pushes the text onto the referred-to array. The $elementfunc doesn't use the user parameter at all. Since we, the authors of walk_html(), don't know in advance which sort of user parameter the user will require, we had better pass it to both the $textfunc and the $elementfunc; a function which doesn't need the user parameter is free to ignore it.

=test walk_html_userparam
        do 'walk_html_userparam';
        require 'htmlsample.pl';
        my $TEXT;
                     # $textfunc
                      sub { my ($text, $ref) = @_; 
                            $$ref .= $text },
                      sub {},

        like($TEXT, qr/^\s*What Junior Said Next But I don't want to go to bed now!\s*$/, "untagged text");
=endtest walk_html_userparam