Got four hours of sleep, then returned to the Children's Museum in the morning to finish up with David J. It wasn't fun for either of us. I worked at staying awake during class. Then I packed up my stuff and headed out for Rochester with Frank, Roth, and Justin Morgan. Rochester is a city in New York. New York is a state that is not Ohio. Cleveland is a city in Ohio. Therefore, while I was in Rochester, I was not in Cleveland. Get it? Maybe this only makes sense to me because of the very high number of hours I worked this week.

The reason for our choice of destination, aside from our frustration with Cleveland, was an Ultimate frisbee tournament. As you probably know, I love Ultimate. The weather forecast called for suckage, so I packed lots of extra underwear, socks, sweatpants, and shirts. I still remember the tournament at Princeton two years ago, when Kris (now “Smashy”) Narunatvanich and I got so cold from the rain and wind that we ran away from the playing field to one of the team cars and sat in the back seat, shivering, in the fetal position. They managed to pull Kris out of the car, but not me! Self-preservation is a tough instinct to defeat.

Along with the rest of the team, I slept on the floor in the basement of the apartment of a gracious RIT student who is called “Disco”. (This epithet reputedly derives from the method he used as a rookie to apply feints to defenders.) A sign in the basement warned that sleeping down there is illegal. Didn't stop us from piling in there and rolling onto each other all through the night.

I have been off the Atkins Diet since yesterday in preparation for playing a lot of Ultimate. Need carbs when you run all day!