Trying to kick the latest flu. Ran to Ultimate practice, then immediately wished I hadn't. Breathing heavily made me wanna, like, hurl, and stuff. I made a point not to play very hard at all. Nonetheless, I managed a sweet downfield “greatest” which was somehow not caught by either of my two teammates in the end zone as it fell right where they stood.

Watched Hudson Hawk with Gabe and Frank. This movie is insanely strange. Bruce Willis is fantastic as an incredulous half-hero from Hoboken.

Ate dinner at the East Cleveland Taco Bell with Dave. This is the sort of Taco Bell where one usually drives “thru”, but Dave and I wanted to kick back a bit and enjoy ourselves. A good time, with plenty of free refills. Afterward, he helped me price server-class PC parts for a replacement box for I look forward to providing better services on this server.

Dave and Jon were having a biggish birthday party for a friend of theirs at their apartment, which I wanted to avoid for fluly reasons. So I came home and hung out with Vic, Suri, Anja, “Stubs” (Eric, very tall), “Coach” (Gabe, fount of wisdom), and Gabe's vestigial appendage Adam. Everyone wanted Presti's donuts, but only Adam, Vic, and I actually had the wherewithal to walk to Little Italy. So we did. Discussing our personalities and inclinations, I was surprised to learn that Adam had been something of a twerp as a whippersnapper. He is a low-key, personable, friendly guy who seems to be able to get along with anyone, but apparently he was a bit less jovial in his youth. If the pattern of Madison-born Gabe-related persons holds, I hesitate to think just how obnoxious Gabe must have once been, since he is now one of the most entertaining people ever “in the history of history” (his words). I am trying to persuade him to keep a daily journal because his life is much more entertaining than anyone else's, especially mine.

We got back with just enough time to drive Adam to the Cleveland Amtrak station. Cleveland was but one (albeit long) stop on his itinerary. It's been fun having him and getting a taste of Gabe's taste in friends.