I had a pretty eventful day, as measured in small events.

schmonz.com got transferred with a week to go on the lease from Notwork Sucklutions (they are Americain ass-shaiths). So the domain continues to belong to me, I make changes to it with a much better registrar, and it costs much less. Worked out all right, I guess. But it doesn't matter a great deal right now, because my site has become a .org anyhow.

I got into the office a bit late, because I had woken up a bit late, because I'd slept a bit more, because I'd gotten very little sleep this week. After sharing my day's plans, I was asked what I did yesterday. I didn't know. I couldn't remember a digdag thing — partly because I don't remember things long after they're done, and partly because I was zonked. So, after briefly considering being passive-aggressive, I decided to keep track of everything I did today:

  • commented on most pending WF tasks
  • copied PSU profquotes to Playground
  • fixed Rate-The-Ad BODY tag of poll result page
  • thought about goals and mailed them out
  • made Jolter forum deletinator work with Ride Boards
  • sent Chris JobDirect button stats
  • helped Pedro debug Hampshire IP range
  • fixed fac .htaccess
  • emailed Adam Morton about getting SMATV listings

Might look like a lot, but it felt like an unproductive day. I prefer doing work to writing about it. But if you're reading this, you're not at all surprised.

I updated to the latest NetBSD-current on my workstation in order to attempt to build KDE 2 from the latest pkgsrc. Then, backed up my G3's data to Amit's laptop in order to safely install OS 9.1 and X. Then, installed OS 9.1 and X.

I was going to call my mythical online community software “Alexandria”, after the intellectual center of ancient Egypt. But there's an Apache project already using that name. Damn.