On Thursday, October 25 in Manhattan, I presented a Mob Programming Workshop at the first ever joint meetup of CTO School and NYC Lean/Kanban.


Mob Programming brings the whole team together to one terminal, programmer and non-programmer alike, to improve quality and speed of building and deploying software. This group-process may feel counterintuitive, but provides many benefits such as increased empathy for other roles, fewer blocked programmers, and fewer bugs.

The CTO School and Lean/Kanban meetups will be partnering to bring programmers, product managers, and agile coaches to try our hands at solving a problem in small groups by thinking and coding together.

Wondering what this interactive, participatory session will be like? Amitai ran it this summer in Edinburgh on coding tour, and there’s video.

Join Amitai Schleier, a sometimes-programmer originally from the friendly midwest, as we solve a problem in small groups by thinking and coding together. If you want to, you can take a brief turn at the keyboard; if not, no biggie. When we’re done, we think you’ll have a new kind of feeling about code and coding. You might even want to pursue it further.

Three of the four mobs

We did TDD For Non-Programmers (not a coding exercise!) together, then split into four mobs to program FizzBuzz in Python at Cyber-Dojo. All four groups solved it!