Installed the latest snapshot of OpenBSD on my Quadra to help test it. Found and reported a few minor problems, but on the whole, it looks good. I am excited for the 2.6 release. Since the Quadra is a reasonably fast m68k that is mostly idle, I am using it to build binary packages of software in the ports tree.
Saw Three Kings with Gabe and Vic at the CineMark in Macedonia (dig the stadium seating!). I don't like action movies, but Three Kings is a great film. I am on a streak of having watched two consecutive excellent movies, the previous being American Beauty.
On the way home, Vic explained the basic concepts behind various types of meditation. One of them involves staring blankly into space and causing yourself to consider everything in the world perfect, as is. “Supposedly this is difficult,” Vic said. Like, yeah!