I jogged three times today: from E. 17 to E. 9 to meet David for lunch, from the bus to the Phi Kap house to arrive in time for dinner, and from the house to Vic's car (parked in a somewhat distant lot) to go to Taco Bell. This demonstrates conclusively that I am willing to run if it means I will get fed.

Waiting for our food, Vic and I talked about how we came to be who we are, what it was like to be a kid. I was lucky: I got to try all kinds of interesting activities as a child. I remember making all manner of objects from clay, folding excellent paper airplanes, playing just about every sport in existence, studying binary math, building cities of Brio and Lincoln Logs and Construx. Even now, I have the same general goal I started life with: to do the best that I can in everything I do. My current project is physical conditioning.