Did some strength training. My muscles are still sore from Saturday. I checked on the scale in Veale, and I still weigh less than 200 pounds despite not having been on the Atkins Diet for months and generally eating whatever suits my fancy. This is good!

Played some piano for Hank at the Hillel. On hearing my description of the compositional style of Brahms, he suggested that it was similar to the writing style of Hemingway. I am no expert in either area, but I found this connection agreeable and interesting. I joined him for his film class's weekly showing at the Cinematheque. This week, Professor Giannetti elucidated and we watched Yojimbo, a darkly funny Japanese film in the manner of an American Western.

Frank, Gabe, and I tried out Mama's Boy, a take-out joint in the Cedar-Lee area. Their so-called “Chicken Snack” was not bad. Mama's Boy is a new late-night option.

Under the influence of Gabe, watched The Untouchables on TV. It feels more like an actor's All-Star Game than a movie, perhaps because Kevin Costner's performances tend to vex me and direct my attention more heavily on the other performers. But it's a good story, reasonably well told, and it kept my attention.