This morning's games were at TUSK, sort of. To get to the fields, we had to walk through a heavily forested area, then across a “bridge” of very round metal pipe over a stream of indeterminate content. I was a bit nervous, stepping carefully, and trying (to good effect) not to fall. I've used better bridges.

Played “Scooby Doom” of Syracuse and the University of Texas SHIT squad. Then, back across the pipe for a nap. Then, Forsyth Park for “Nietzsche” of Wesleyan. Wow! I was running hard and D'ing and throwing well. Once again, this proves that naps are good.

Beach! Phrank, Hank, DiPasquo, Schoonie, and others played beer box. Schoonie and Phrank performed well in all aspects of the game, and Schenck served as a capable beer boy. Neither Phrank nor I had played beer box since Mars, way back when.

Someone from Skidmore College owns a house in the area. We went to their party late, but it had been coppered, so we went instead to the nearby 4-H where the other teams were staying, and sat around the fire listening to dumb obnoxious drunk people from Bradley until it became less attractive than leaving. Nice campsite though.