Awoke at 7AM, after a 2-hour nap, for Sarah to drive to BS&G for a hearty breakfast, and then to the airport to place me gently (I was most certainly not dropped off) at my flight. She and Hank and I tossed a disc in the terminal for a few minutes before I had to board. I am lucky to have nice people all around me, helping me get where I need to go, and making the ride more enjoyable. I'm going home to see more such folks; while I'm missing Jeremy by a day, I'll catch Peter (home to interview in Chicago for possible summer work), and Kelzie, and with luck some of my teachers from high school.

On airplanes, I always do two things which I rarely otherwise do: drink tomato juice, and brainstorm tunes for use in my improvisations. Coincidence? I have no idea. I am no tomato expert.

As I looked at a route map in the back of the Continental magazine, the ease of travel gained immediacy. These days, with cars and planes, we can get anywhere from anywhere in short order. Consider the degrees of freedom afforded the would-be traveler one hundred years ago, then two hundred, then three hundred. The progress made in our civilization by the work of a few bright and enterprising minds is fully astounding. I am glad to live when I do, to be able to savor the everyday conveniences that were unimaginable in the lives of my ancestors. I am grateful to those who made these conveniences possible, then available, and now normal.

Played half a dozen improvisations on the great old Baldwin baby grand at home. Someday it will sit in a house that is mine, and I will play it all the time. Sooner would be nicer, but I am in no hurry.

Michele, Rachel, and Grandma joined us for a mommy-prepared lamb-oriented din-din. Wow, do I love lamb. Double wow, do I love food my mommy makes. After dinner, we played a crazy card game Michele brought called Fluxx, wherein the rules change all the time. What a brain-stretcher! I must obtain myself a copy.