I lowered my head and closed my eyes on the train. When I opened them and raised it, I had just missed my stop at Park Street. I got out at Government Center (the next stop), went back to Park Street, then switched to the Red Line. It added maybe ten minutes to the trip. I still got to work plenty early. I like getting to work early. It gives me some time to think without interruption and get a head start on the day.
The head start helped me overcome very spotty network access to make significant progress on the task-tracking application: tasks can be added and viewed. We really need good network access. Random lossage from IPNetRouter and from upstream makes it hard to work.
I footed it to Dagwood's Deli again to see if I could get the right sandwich this time. I did, and it was very good. And I realized that address was on the same street as the Thai restaurant I'd been looking for, and that the numbers were fairly close. I'll have to walk a bit further next time.
I left work at 5PM and rode past Newton Highlands to a stop called “Waban” (rhymes with “bobbin'”), where Aya picked me up and drove the few blocks to Arza and Brian's house. I played hide-and-seek (I sought) with Aya and Daniel, romped with the neighbor's nippy puppy along with Rebecca, and ate a marvelous dinner with the whole family. Brian grilled chicken and swordfish; both were outstanding. Also available were asparagus, corn, a colorful salad, and several enticing desserts. I ate, in short, like a king. Brian (who is an attorney) and I discussed the current Microsoft business. I still have trouble understanding what they've done to warrant retribution from the federal government.
The family is very nice and I look forward to my next visit, when Rebecca will play the piano and Noah will play the guitar and I will run around with these energetic and well-behaved kids.