Been on the new job for over a month. Getting paid, too, so it’s really a job, not just something I spend a lot of time on. As anticipated, it’s a mix of human and technical challenges. Well suited to me, and plenty to chew on for a while.

Doing the job during the day leaves me energized for the evening. Instead of pushing myself through getting things done, I’m being pulled along.

Shipped notqmail after almost four years; gave my first public talk in nearly three. Hard to believe it had been that long for both. For notqmail, we now turn our attention to streamlining the development process. When changes and releases are easier to get right, we’ll do them more often.

Moved into my “forever” home office. The space was created as part of the first upstairs renovation (begun just before COVID hit, completed while we were living in Germany), then served as two consecutive babies’ rooms. Now it’s mine! And I’m getting some professional help organizing it, making it comfortable and productive, and generally setting some new patterns for myself.