As usual, partway through a couple weeks in Mallorca, we’re just getting the hang of it. After a few days of only the pool, it’s been pool mornings and beach afternoons. Every day, each kid gets more bold in both. I’ve managed to avoid getting sunburnt so far, though it’s getting harder to stay ahead of the situation. For mealtimes it’s kind of fun to be stuck in a tiny kitchen trying to cook my way out; bedtimes, down a sleepable room due to a broken air conditioner, were less so. My carcass got taken over by mosquitoes, who then rented most of it back to me. In a few days I might be ready to buy them out.

Usually here I’d consider taking a nap when the littles do. Definitely tired enough. But a little solo computer time feels more like what I’m needing: Refactoring some code, backing up some photos, updating pkgsrc stuff, writing posts on my website, that sort of thing.

For this summer vacation we’re hopping around more, which happens to simplify our transatlantic travel days. (Traditionally we’d have connecting flights before arriving anywhere.) One flight into Munich, where we stayed in the area for a few days visiting in-laws. From there a quick hop to Mallorca, the meat in our vacation sandwich. From here a quick-ish hop to Hannover for a week back in the little north-central German village where we lived out the first two years of COVID. Then we’ll drive to Frankfurt to see friends before our return flight to New York. Hopping around like this means we get to see more people and places, in exchange for which we get to find out what happens when kids try to sleep in a wider variety of environments and configurations. So far, sokay.