Atkins Day 13. Wow, do I feel good! One person I informed told me it's all in my head. I thought that was pretty dumb, since my pants are now loose and I weigh less. I suppose the fact that I feel good about this could be in my head though.

Played 2 solid hours of Ultimate and sat out for only two points. I am not as fast or quick as I want to be, but (here is my loony noggin speaking again) it feels great to be able to play for that long. Then I headed to the Phi Kap football game, already in progress, and went in for a few plays. We made a more respectable showing than in our first game, thanks to better work on the offensive line. Then went home and played a couple hours of volleyball, including a couple games where my team consisted of Frank and me. Volleyball is a decent workout when your team is small enough that you have to cover a lot of ground. Again (I think I am going crazy in the head) it felt good to play.

Finally, I got OpenBSD running on my Quadra 650, built a kernel, and exported the ports tree via NFS to the IIci (which has much less disk). I drew up a network plan as well. When the plan is implemented, details will be posted here.