Worked at the office all day. In my new life balancing work and school, a contiguous block of time such as this is a rare treat.

With an assignment due tomorrow, and rowdy fraternity guys and a cozy bed at home, I figured I'd just stay at the office to work on the assignment. I had to “implement a priority queue abstract data type via the array representation of heaps”. Naturally, going into the assignment, I was unfamiliar with

  • priority queues,
  • abstract data types,
  • heaps, and
  • their representation as an array,
so the assignment proved difficult. I resolved this problem easily by following the established method of reading everything in the textbook and class notes 37 times and then banging my head against the wall. Every time I got something working, or working somewhat better, or failing less heinously, I committed it to my CVS repository. As the project approached completion, I started applying CVS symbolic tags to the files which would be turned in. All told, I learned a fair amount about CVS, as well as all that computer science stuff.

Unfortunately, without enough sleep for it to “sink in”, I'll have forgotten it all by Saturday.