The best part about the story of Hank fighting a girl: the next morning, she asked our team “Okay, so which one of y'all did I beat up last night?”

To compensate for the clear and fairly warm weather yesterday, we were today treated to cold, rain, and mud. We played Miami of Ohio somewhat well, considering conditions. Originally, I wore several layers of warm pants and shirts; after playing for a few minutes, I was in shorts and T-shirt, and I was warm! My furnace runs pretty hot — a good thing in cold weather, not so good when I'm trying to stay cool in the summer. Like the summer of 1998, for example, when Frank and I played “beer box” at a tournament near Pittsburgh called “Mars” with a girl named Linda, who happens to play for Miami. It was nice to see her again, however briefly.

Our muddy selves then piled gingerly into the nice clean cars that brought us, and rode to G-Nate's house in Columbus for showers and dinner. His parents had prepared massive volumes of zippy chili and other foodstuffs for us. Can't beat being clean and well fed. Well, you could add free entertainment: Henry, apparently not tired of wrestling, engaged the Arthur family dog in an intense and painfully funny bout of several minutes' duration. I was fully happified by the time we left to go home.

Late, Haas, Suri, Coach, and I went to Dimitri's, a 24-hour joint on the west side. It was not terrible at all.