Planned stops

While in town, I’ll do my best to attend a public meetup or two. See what’s been planned at my speaker page.

Who’s Amitai?

I’m an independent software development consultant, coach, and trainer. In nearly 20 years comprising global finance, startups, agriculture, universities, and nonprofits, I’ve managed products, projects, and people; engineered code, tests, and releases; deployed and operated production systems; provided phone and desk support; and listened to, empathized with, and improved the lot of folks in all of these roles. (More about me…)

What’s this “coding tour”?

It’s when a programmer briefly visits several companies to join them in their coding work and to learn from each other. (More…)

I’m on tour June through mid-September, anywhere in Germany — and anywhere else in Europe, schedule and travel costs permitting.

You provide room and board. I mob and/or pair with you for a week. We do it because we both expect to gain. That’s the whole deal!

Unique opportunity to be in the presence of someone who will make you a better, smarter version of you. And he doesn’t charge near enough.Kent Beck

What’s it like to code with Amitai?

From personal experience: you won’t find a more supportive, encouraging human with whom to explore and problem-solve. This is an opportunity you won’t want to miss!Faye Thompson

Enormous value to me. Helps my thinking, helps my energy, helps my code.Michael “GeePaw” Hill

Great. Very insightful comments.Alistair Cockburn

Love his open, interesting approach to problem-solving during coding. I can’t even describe it. It’s just inspiring.Jim Holmes

His focus on the “real” goals and value, and his ego-less way of working through a problem, made all of it possible.Nathan Arthur

How can I form my own impression?

Got 15 minutes or an hour to listen? Prefer reading? Need to see for yourself?

Listen to these episodes of Agile in 3 Minutes in this order: Effect, Retrospect, Wrong, Care, Surprise.

My interview responses for WeDoTDD were given on behalf of my then-employer, but remain very much my answers. I still stand by them.

My coding tour has concluded. I’m still happy to talk about it.

How good is Amitai’s German?

Meine Ersten Farben

I understand some. I pronounce better than I understand, understand better than I speak, and speak better than my son — for now! — to whom I’ve been reading books like this.

Let’s prefer English, while also not worrying too much about avoiding German.

How do we invite Amitai?

My coding tour has concluded. I’m still happy to talk about it.

Who else has gone on tour?

Lots of programmers. Here are just the ones I’ve gotten advice from:

Related: as of this writing, Lisi Hocke is on a testing tour (all posts).


I owe gratitude to lots of folks for helping me design and implement this coding tour. In particular:

  • Sal Freudenberg for her recent UK tour, my source of inspiration to do this
  • Llewellyn Falco for ideas about the format, based on our recent pair coaching
  • Nicole Rauch for the majority of the encouragement, advice, and local industry contacts I’ve received